The idea was ingenious. But critics and coaches ridiculed it and said it would never work.

“Too risky… Too much of a gamble… It was a recipe for disaster…”


Yet, Jackie Sherrill, in his second year as head football coach at Texas A&M, stubbornly stuck to his plan to implement a 12th Man Kickoff Team, comprised solely of all-volunteer, non-scholarship, former high school athletes from the Aggie student body. And, the 12th Man Kickoff Team, fueled by the heart of a bunch of over-comers, was born.


Fast-forward twenty-five years and Coach Sherrill had another great idea…he just knew would work. Coach Sherrill challenged the men who had once taken the field for him as the legendary 12th Man Kickoff Team to “step out of the stands” once again.  This time the goal was to serve their university in a different way, through providing scholarships, service and spreading Aggie love to a new generation of over-comers.


In 2008, the 12th Man Kickoff Team Foundation was officially formed as a non-profit organization(status currently pending). Over 80 players strong, the primary mission of the Foundation is to raise funds to award scholarships to students attending Texas A&M University.  Just like the early teams, the Foundation is made up entirely of volunteers.  Unlike the teams of the 80’s, there are no tryouts!  Anyone and everyone who desires to make a difference can become a member.


"If these kids are this tough and this crazy and give so much back to their school, then I can find 10 to go down the field on my kickoff team.” Jackie Sherrill, Sports Illustrated 1983


Chad Adair John Bulovas David Fry Ike Liles Dan Pollard
Todd Adkins Tom Bumgardner Scott Gillespie Corey Lindscombe Chris Probst
Corey Allen John Burnett Ronnie Glenn Paul Luedtke Tom Ray
Bill Allison Dennis Burns John Gregg Mark Mazoch Ron Reynolds
Tom Arthur Henry Campbell Leroy Hallman Torin McCoy Steve Sarkissian
Les Asel Brian Carpenter Paul Hawrylak Andy McDonald Robert Segura
Danny Balcar Rene Casas Rick Hill Craig McPike Ed Silverman
Brian Bancroft Brit Chapman Bubba Hillje Bobby Middleton Shawn Slocum
Warren Barhorst Trent Childress Randy Hinson Doug Middleton Derrick Smith
James Barrett Tom Christner John Hogg Butch Motley Garry Sorrell
Spencer Baum Brent Clements Mike Holton Dennis Mudd Barry Stevens
Eric Beckham David Coolidge Harold Huggins Derek Naiser Rick Tankersley
Dean Berry Robert Crouch Bryan Jackson Greg Nehib David Thelen
Tom Bevans Alec Cuellar Rudolph Jackson Danny Neighbors Mike Tolleson
Russ Birdwell Dan Debenport Larry Johnson Keith Newton David Vannaman
Jeff Blair Dennis Descant Bryan Johnston Pat O’Boyle Shawn Walker
Keith Blaschke Craig Dornak David Joiner Sean Page Mark Wurzbach
Tommy Bolcerek Blake Dwoskin Marc Kohler Vince Palasota
Bobby Bostic Ashley Eddington Brian Kotara Michael Partney
Jeff Boutwell Brian Edwards Doug Lawson Kirk Pierce
Steve Bullard David Fronk Dan Leyendecker Tony Pollacia
Chuck Alvarado Spencer Earl John Gilby Dan Michalk Cocy Smoot
Kip Amedeo Tod Eenigenburg James Goerig Derek Mills Eric Stanford
Luke Anderson Hector Elizondo Steve Guzzetta Nick Mirgeaux David Thelen
Ross Aschenbeck Jay Elliot Kyle Hemmi Matt Moore Keith Underwood
Trent Bishop Drew Ellis Julias Hollie James Muniz Robert Watson
Travis Blaylock Chris Fischler Philip Hundl Nic Muoneke Joseph Webb
Drew Bridges Wes Flores Russell Kallus Benjamin Puig Scott Wells
Steve Bullard James Flournoy Kurtis Koop Cole Reinarz Brian Wesley
Kevin Caffey Keith Francis Thomas Little Shawn Reynolds Tom Wilson
Garrett Carey Chad Frantzen Matt Longhofer David Rock Greg Yount
Pat Cosgrove James Fuller Torin McCoy Jeff Rogers
David Crane Chad Gary Chad Merick Scott Sanders
Beau Adams Nathan Haile Will Mays Tim Philbeck Scott Stickane
Don Bishop Robert Jordan Justin McQueen John Ray Jason Ware
Matt Douglas Blake Kendrick Ryan O’Bryant Anthony Squillante
Derek Dumas Nick LaMantia Thomas Perry Eric Stanford
Don Bishop CJ Jones Caleb Russell DeAndre Thompson Jason Ware
Justin Bass Sam Moeller
Connor Choate Braden White


The 12th Man Kickoff Team Foundation exists to “STAND READY” with support and inspiration for Overcomers.



Supporting students through scholarships, supporting our communities through hospital visits and financial aid, and INSPIRING OTHERS through personal speaking engagements.